Public Service Announcement

This is Connor Trinneer: This is Grant Bowler: This is Connor Trinneer: This is Grant Bowler: This is Connor Trinneer: This is Grant Bowler: This is Connor Trinneer: This is Grant Bowler: You’re welcome. Tags: ~ Connor Trinneer ~ Grant Bowler ~ Defiance ~ Enterprise

Fic and a fancake

So chapter five of my ‘Supernatural’ fan-fic Abra-Cadaver has just gone up. Enjoy. It’s got zombies and witches, what more do you want? Spaceships? Oh, ok then. Finally finished that ‘Enterprise’ fan-fic. Aliens and spaceships and rum, oh my… “Communication, Dissemination, Obfuscation” Rating: Rated T Summary: Enterprise answers a distress call and as usual, theContinue reading “Fic and a fancake”

The more things change, the more they stay the same

Oh, what a week. Been very busy, you see. Either watching telly or tweeting about telly or writing about telly or chatting to England about telly. Yes, I have got this Thursday’s ‘Burn Notice’, but no, I’ve not had chance to watch it. I will do as soon as I’ve finished publishing this. Yes, I’veContinue reading “The more things change, the more they stay the same”

Yi cannae change thi laws o’ canon!

Or can you? Or… can you? All you people not in Hong Kong have already seen ‘Star Trek’, right? Well it only opened Thursday over here, so bear with me. Cos we saw it last night and we fucking loved it. I was worried, going into the cinema. I’d heard good things, but I wasn’tContinue reading “Yi cannae change thi laws o’ canon!”

A Trek by any other name

Short one tonight, folks. It’s the Chung Yeung Festival tomorrow, so I have the day off: WOO-HOOO! And then we have a supposedly finalised cast list for the new Trek movie, scheduled for released on Christmas Day, 2008: Kirk = Chris PineSpock = Leonard Nimoy / Zachary QuintoScotty = Simon PeggNero = Eric BanaUhura =Continue reading “A Trek by any other name”