Wait for the wheel

This blog goes round in circles. I don’t mean literally; that would be ridiculous. No, this blog swings between packed-with-reviews to cowboy-movie-tumbleweeds seemingly in perpetuity. At the moment it’s tumbleweeds; I can’t get anything written because there’s one massive thing blocking out everything else. It’s like a lunar eclipse, with my hopes of getting anyContinue reading “Wait for the wheel”


“Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.” You may recognise that quote from Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I’ve been thinking about itContinue reading “Space”

Moved – again

As of 12th November 2018, I no longer live in the south of England. I’m in Manchester! At some point I will start adding stuff here about living in one of the Bright Centres of the Universe. For now though, peach and lube everyone – peach and frelling lube.

On Returning to Blighty After an 11 Year Absence

How to relocate to a country you left behind 11 years ago: 1. Close all accounts, utilities and communication channels in your life, related to where you are leaving. 2. Change addresses for local government and council registries in the country you will go to. 3. Un-learn everything you have come to accept as normalContinue reading “On Returning to Blighty After an 11 Year Absence”