對你愛不完 – Love You Endlessly

I miss Aaron Kwok (郭富城) concerts. I miss them so much I can taste them. The cheering, screaming or singing of the crowd; the waterworks, fireworks, stage hydraulics, safety harnesses, lighting; the costumes; the dancers; the atmosphere of total and utter love, adoration, enjoyment and pure unabashed joining in. I miss all that. Hong KongContinue reading “對你愛不完 – Love You Endlessly”

Film Review: Peace Breaker (破.局) 2017

Warning! Danger, Will Robinson! Here be SPOILERS for the entire bloody film! So the first time I saw this, I was just grateful for a new Aaron Kwok (郭富城) film that wasn’t shite (City Under Siege 全城戒備), or a mainland China Oscar-bait epic that had him as a vague and mysterious (i.e. barely-there) character inContinue reading “Film Review: Peace Breaker (破.局) 2017”