Star Trek Discovery – What if?

It’s time for some fanfiction. Because there was this time, and then there was this time…

Title: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Vulcan

Rated T/Teen & Up for some naughty language, some violence and conduct unbecoming, and maybe a frying pan.

In the dying moments of S01xE15, the Discovery is ordered to Vulcan but gets side-tracked. What if they keep getting side-tracked so they have to keep their Acting Captain for the whole of season 2? Yes please! This is a series of one-shots detailing just that. SPOILERS for season 1 only. For those about to read, I salute you.

I do not own nor make any profit from Star Trek in any of its forms, franchises or characters. This is all for fun, not for profit. Unless you add me to any favourites lists or leave reviews/comments.

Linky-link-link: HERE at An Archive of Our Own under my name TozaBoma (because they don’t re-edit your stuff later) and HERE at Fanfiction dot net under my name Mardy Lass.

If you even visit the page, I thank you.